Database Development
Idea Solutions specializes in Database Design…
The complete Systems Life Cycle (Analysis, Requirements, Design, Implementation, Support) is provided for each project. By reviewing your Business processes, we can modify existing databases or create new databases to increase your productivity.
Does your database run slowly? Are you getting duplicate, omitted, or erroneous data in your reports? Do you need a new database to make your business more efficient? Do you want your database to do more for you, but don’t know how to program it?
Idea Solutions can help provide:
- Implementation of Business Processes into Current or Existing Database (Access & Visual Basic) Applications
- Database Integration to Web-Based Operations
- Enhancement of Existing Database Software Usage and Functionality and Integration with Peripheral/Supporting Software for Improved Employee Productivity and Efficiency of Operations
- Migration of existing Access databases into newer versions to keep your business up to date
- Integration of Microsoft Office Suite Products for Enhanced Data Management and Work Flow
- Knowledgeable in all versions of Access
- Existing Database Modification and Repair
- State of the Art, Progressive Business and Re-Engineering Consultative Guidance for Maximized Office Processes and Procedures
- Data Extraction from Corporate Legacy Systems (Oracle, SQL Server)

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